Recruiter Productivity Articles 2 years

Three Ways to Speed Up Time to Fill for Open Roles

Daniel Miller Daniel Miller

Nearly every recruiting professional struggles with and believes that finding great talent is the most challenging part of their role. With the increasingly competitive job market and candidate sourcing being a challenge, time to fill becomes a challenge on almost every recruiter’s mind.

Although the national average shows time to fill is 36-days, many organizations still take more than a month to fill a single vacancy. In industries where employee turnover is high, or there is above-average growth, this represents a long delay in acquiring urgently needed candidates.

Fortunately, numerous ways can reduce time to fill. Let’s review some ideas that can help you speed up your time to fill.

Use ai in the recruitment process

Artificial intelligence in the recruiting industry has become a game-changer. Using artificial intelligence in recruiting has helped search firms save time and money, filling job openings faster at a higher profit margin. Artificial intelligence can help in recruiting by filtering your internal database and external job boards to find the best candidates that meet the qualification criteria you are trying to fill a role for. In addition, artificial intelligence can help with ranking and revealing candidates in your database and external databases that you may have missed, allowing you to increase the number of qualified candidates for a role right away. This type and other automated recruiting tactics have helped fill positions by nearly two days.

Conduct recruitment research properly with Boolean searches

Boolean search is an advanced method of online search. Boolean searches can be applied to search engines like Google, social networks such as LinkedIn, and resume databases and professional directories more effectively. They allow recruiters to find quality candidates and fill job openings faster.

Boost recruiter productivity with project management

Using project management systems in the recruitment processes helps you manage your time more effectively, improves communication and knowledge sharing amongst recruiters on the team, streamlines feedback processes, and helps pinpoint the most efficient candidate sources for your candidate searches. In addition, the transparency created from a sound project management system allows you to hold recruiters on your team accountable for what they have promised to accomplish and has increased time to fill roles by nearly 30% compared to recruiters that are not using a project management system.

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