Using our Smart Search, users are able to search for candidates across many job boards in one unique search experience and then have the candidates ranked for what you are truly looking for based on skills and experience relevancy. Instead of going to CareerBuilder, Monster or other websites separately, we have a built in integration that allows you to search multiple job boards including your candidates indexed in RecruiterPM.

RecruiterPM makes complex searches simple by utilizing our AI that matches & ranks candidates based on a job description and a candidate's skills and experience. This saves you time and money and allow you to find the best candidates quickly. Junior Recruiters and HR professionals who are not advanced on boolean or sourcing strategies are able to compete with seasoned recruiters.
Using our integration with Google and Microsoft, we are able to connect your calendars for automated scheduling. Once you setup your availability, RecruiterPM creates scheduling links so you can send them on to candidates and clients and save time on the back and forth.

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